Royal Canin giant dry dog food
There are plenty of top quality meals here for giant breed dogs which will be a pleasure to their taste buds and a boost to their health. It is true that all breeds of dogs need the right kind of food for their diet in order to be happy and healthy. But it is perhaps especially important for those larger dogs which simply need to take so much on board to keep the engine firing! Within this range of Royal Canin giant breed dog food, you will find that these meals have all been specially designed to offer your lovely canine friend just what they need to keep them in tip top condition!
Royal Canin giant adult dog food
For the adult giant breed dogs, there will be just the right thing here from Royal Canin. They are known for putting in lots of time and effort into the research for their pet food, and this is just the case with these meals. Giant breeds can have joint and bone pain from the stress that they are put under, seeing as their body weight is naturally so high. To alleviate the danger of this potential issue, a healthy diet is vital. These meals offer the nutrients required to support bone and joint health, as well as cardiac health and general well-being.
Royal Canin giant junior dog food
There is also food here specially designed for junior giant breed dogs. With many smaller breed dogs, it would not be quite so important to have a specifically formulated meal for the junior age range. However, with giant dogs, this is when the second growth phase kicks in. Junior giant dogs will be developing muscle throughout this period, and so these meals support this with additional protein and L-Carnitine.
Royal Canin giant puppy dog food
The royal canin giant breed puppy food is also just as carefully and effectively devised. Giant dogs in their puppy stage will be going through intense first growth periods. Royal Canin have cleverly formulated an adapted energy content which means that this intense growth will be supported, whilst the risk of unhealthy weight gain will be reduced.