Fish 4 Cats Wet Cat Food
Fish4Cats are always on hand to give your cats a yummy and healthy meal. Their complete fish meals are made out of 65% fish, with 22% of that fish being freshly caught and delivered to their kitchens, and all of their ingredients being sourced sustainably. It is this high quality and freshness which means that the tastes and aromas of the meals are so appealing for cats, whilst the food is also good for their insides. Fish is full of vitamins, minerals and healthy oils, so it will be sure to keep your cat in tip top shape!
High quality protein source
The team at Fish4Cats are aware that cats are natural carnivores who need to take on plenty of protein to thrive. At the same time, this high protein diet ought not to contain too much in the way of fats and carbohydrates. This balance is achieved with high quality fish, brought together in combinations of mackerel, squid, tuna, shrimp, muscles, anchovies, salmon, sardine and more. These fish meats not only offer the requisite protein, vitamins and minerals, but also include a good amount of taurine, which is crucial for cats to maintain optimum digestion, vision, and heart, muscle and immune system function.
Amino acids and algae
These fish meals are going to give your cat a lovely balanced diet, with enough amino acids included, and with these acids kept at the right ratio. The amino acids can then do their thing, helping everything from your cat's hearing, smell and vision, to the development of their brain tissues and the healthy function of their liver. On top of that, Fish4Cats also include algae in their food which is there to give your cat's immune system a boost.
Delicious natural ingredients
Of course, none of this would mean all that much if the meals weren't also delicious, so it's a good thing they are! Cats love fish, and especially when the fish is of a high quality, with plenty of fresh fish in the mix. Additionally, the fact that these meals are wheat free means that your cat will be able to gobble them down without any risk of an upset dummy or other difficulties in digestion!