Burns Dry Cat Food
Burns Pet Food started with a specific mission to make delicious food for pets which was just as suitable for healthy animals as it was for animals with sensitive digestion and skin conditions. Their meals are put together to ensure that your pet will be getting all the goodness they need, but without their digestion being put under any unwanted stress. This collection of Burns dry cat food shows exactly why it is that so many opt for their meals. They having a passion for your cats and their meals are their to support their health and general well-being!
Burns cat food
The meals here have been formulated so that your cats, through the controlled levels of minerals and proteins, will be not have overworked kidneys and will be able to maintain a healthy urinary tract. Rich in plenty of vitamins and featuring all 11 essential amino acids, including taurine, these meals do everything that is required to support the health of your lovely cat.
Burns kitten food
As well as there being food here for adult cats, there is also food here which is great for kittens. These meals will put them on the right nutritional path so that they will be able to develop and thrive. The ingredients are kept as simple and therefore as palatable as possible. Essential features such as vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and protein is all there to help your kittens grow and develop. At the same time, avoided are things like wheat, soya, dairy, artificial colourings and artificial preservatives which have been shown to be the source of food intolerances.
Healthy and well balanced meals
In general, what is so great about Burns cat food is that it does not have any artificial preservatives, colouring or chemicals. This means your cat's digestion will be having a relaxed time. Not only that, but the natural ingredients they use are all absolutely delicious for your cat! Whether you go for the fish or the chicken meals, you will be safe in the knowledge that your cat will be purring with delight at these yummy and healthy dry cat food meals.