Whiskas Cat Treats
We have some scrumptious treats for cats here in store, including these wonderful Whiskas cat treats. Treats are a great thing to give your loving cat now and then, just to make sure they know how much joy they give you. They are also excellent if you are trying to reinforce good behaviour. But, whatever you use treats for, the key thing is that they are irresistibly yummy - otherwise they are not going to be much of a treat!
The great thing which these Whiskas cat treats also offer is nutrition. This is really important, as it means that you are treating your cat in more ways than one. Not only will these snacks be a pleasure for the taste buds, but they will also be doing good for your cat's insides. Have a look through the range, and you will be sure to find some fantastic options for your lovely little feline friend. Whiskas have a wide range of different options to choose from, so your cat will be in taste heaven!
Whiskas Temptations Cat Treats
Their Temptations range will be sure to appeal to your cat, with its delectable combination of crunchy outsides and soft centres. The flavours are brilliant too, with an awesome variety of chicken and cheese, beef, salmon, seafood and turkey being available. On top of that, these treats come with additional vitamins and minerals, and all without any artificial flavouring.
Whiskas Dentabites
Whiskas have also come up with some treats which work to reduce the build-up of tartar on cats' teeth. These have been scientifically tested and so they are up there as the most reliable treat for the job on the market. As well as being a yummy treat, these Whiskas Dentabites will help sustain your cat's oral health - so it is a win-win situation!
Whiskas Crunchy Treats
Treats are so much about the texture as well as the pure flavour. This is why Whiskas Crunchy Treats are so great for cats. Not only can you offer them as a delicious treat on their own, but these can also be used as topping for their normal meals. Adding a bit of extra crunch, whilst providing perfect complementing vitamins and minerals, these treats are great for adding a bit of extra miaow-factor to your cat's diet!
Whiskas Kitten Milky Treats
And don't overlook Whiskas Kitten Milky Treats if you want to show your little fluffy friends some extra love! As well as offering all the vitamins and minerals you might expect from any Whiskas cat treats, these treats are also high in milk, which is a source of calcium. This is important for kittens to ensure their bones and teeth stay healthy whilst they are growing. Plus, these treats will be great for encouraging good behaviour for kittens.