New Puppy Guide

New puppy time is one of the best times in the world. OK, so that might not be a scientific fact but we believe it to be true. The joys that you will get from welcoming a new bundle of canine joy into your home and your family are many. But it is important to be prepared too, as taking on a puppy is just as much a responsibility as it is a joy.

New Puppy Guide

Take a look through guide and you should get a good sense of how best to prepare for the arrival of your new puppy into your home.

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The Benefits of Dog Walking

January is officially Walk Your Dog Month! For us dog owners, it is of course “walk your dog month” every month, but this is a time in particular to take stock of all the reasons why it is beneficial to get out there with your little canine friend as much as possible. There are so many benefits to taking your dog for a walk, both for the well-being of your dog and for your own well-being; we’ve taken a minute to give you a breakdown of these benefits.

dog walking
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Keep your cat safe during Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful time for us humans – and pets should be a part of this too! But this means that we all need to look out for the potential dangers for our pets that come along with many of the joys and wonders of Christmas! Take a look through this list where we have detailed some of the things that you need to watch out for if you are a cat owner at this time of the year.

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Keep your dog safe during Christmas

For us humans Christmas is a magical and exciting time but for dogs it can be a scary time. There are many things that could cause harm to your dog including decorations, certain Christmas presents, tasty food, plants and much more. Take a look at our list of hazardous items to look out for.

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Cats and Fireworks: how to keep your pet safe and calm

Loud noises, unusual sounds and bright lights can make cats feel anxious or even completely terrified. All of which makes fireworks very scary for felines. But with a little planning and effort, you can reduce the chances of your furry friend feeling stressed and running away.

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