Orange Tick Warning

Warnings are currently being put out about cases of seasonal canine illness caused by orange harvest ticks. During this time of the year, the presence of these kinds of ticks, which will show up as orange in the fur, has been found to cause potentially severe illness in dogs. As it has its most probable source in harvest mites, the illness is at its peak in the September to October period. As such, experts, who have already noted cases in the west of the UK this year, have issued an orange tick warning.

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Why are dogs scared of fireworks?

Most people really enjoy fireworks. The colourful displays have a magical quality and those loud bangs create a sense of excitement. But most dogs don’t react well to aerial pyrotechnics and some are simply terrified by them. It is estimated that 40% of dogs are scared by fireworks to some degree. More canine runaways occur on nights when there are fireworks than at any other time and that means that displays are important issues which shouldn’t be ignored. But why are dogs so scared of fireworks?

why are dogs scared of fireworks
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